July 2023 Astrology

July 1 

Mercury Sextile Jupiter 

Focus on manifesting your ideal life. 

July 2

Venus Square Uranus 

Plans may fall apart easily now. You may need more freedom in your relationships.

July 3 


Capricorn is work-oriented, about responsibility, authority, hierarchy, building your career, building structure, and deep commitments. The energy of this Full Moon is all about transforming, therefore look to see significant shifts in your career and the structures of your life. Anything that is not of absolute integrity will not last now.  This Moon supports spiritual growth. Change is inevitable and has to begin from within. Much will be brought to light, so the lunar energies can release your old ancestral programming. It is time to let go of Capricorn’s outdated tendencies and trust your intuition to do what is right for you. It is so important to practice self-care during his time. Capricorn is an Earth sign and will help stay grounded through these energies. 

Cardinal sign                                Modality - Earth                                   Ruled by Saturn 

Angels to work with ~ Haniel and Azrael

Herbs to work with ~  rosemary, dill, tarragon, chamomile, and marjoram

Colors to work with ~ black, gray, dark brown, and earth colors

Crystals to work with ~  moss agate, amethyst, moonstone, chalcopyrite, fluorite, malachite, clear quartz, and smoky quartz. 

July 6

Mercury Sextile Uranus 

This is a great day to use your intuition. Get quiet and listen to that inner voice! 

July 10

Mars moves into the sign of Virgo

This could feel like a conflict within ourselves to achieve perfection. We need to try to accept the things we cannot change. 

Mercury moves into the sign of Leo

Be brave and allow yourself to think differently. Reach for the stars.

July 17


Cancer is a Cardinal water sign that represents the Divine feminine and is ruled by the Moon. Cancer is all about the family, maternal energy, nurturing, comfort, and the safe haven of the home. It is a time of increased intuition and how we relate to our emotions. It is great energy for cooking and gardening, renovating, or buying a home. The symbol for Cancer is the crab. This symbolizes having a hard, protective shell on the outside and being sensitive and vulnerable on the inside. Cancer is an emotional sign and you may find yourself feeling needy or being quarrelsome while the New Moon is in this sign. You can use the energy of the Moon’s phase to connect with your authentic self. Allow yourself to love and embrace your true self. Practice radical self-care. Try to stay centered and be as objective as possible when dealing with family members. Be gentle and kind to everyone you encounter. 

This is a good time to examine where you are and where you would like to be going. It is a wonderful time to identify what makes you feel secure and loved. This is not a great New Moon to begin new ventures or even make a lot of forward action, but rather a time to focus your energy on your inner work.  Take a look at the things you are yearning for and see what is lacking. Take a look at where you give away your power and align yourself to your true worth. Look at where you feel emotionally secure and where you are feeling emotionally insecure. Go inside, be easy and gentle with yourself. Write out a plan of action and have it ready to go when the energy shifts.

Ruling Planet of Cancer ~ Moon ~ Cardinal Sign   Element ~ Water

Angel to work with ~ Muriel

Crystals to work with ~ moonstone, carnelian, ruby, silver, clear quartz, halite, selenite

Herbs work with ~ lemon balm, sage, mugwort, aloe, cinnamon

Colors to work with ~ pale blue, silver, emerald green, pearl

July 20

Mars Opposite Saturn 

This can be an angry and disappointing time. Try to have patience. 

July 28

Mercury enters into the sign of Virgo

Mercury is the ruler of Virgo so it feels right at home here. This is a great time to organize your thoughts and solve problems. 


August 2023


June 2023 Astrology