June 2023 Astrology
Full Moon in Sagittarius
You may find yourself thinking of finding your true goals, thinking philosophically about the meaning of life, especially your life.This Full Moon is ruled by Jupiter and will help you look at the expanded picture.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is known for a love of adventure and will bring the benefits of fresh information and new ideas. Also, learning through experiences and speaking our truth . Vitality increases and good intentions abound! If you believe, it will happen. There is a strong feeling that there is a higher power at work now. Sadge brings an optimistic approach to life and the belief that things will always get better. The energy now is expansive, visionary and free. Your sense of adventure can kick in and you might find yourself being drawn to travel or to study new concepts.
This Moon is also being influenced by expansive Jupiter, bringing a sense of abundance and optimism for the next two weeks. There is a surge of curiosity and enthusiasm as well as a download of intuitive messages through our intuition.
Crystals to work with ~ tangerine quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst, sodalite and blue topaz.
Herbs to work with ~ sage, dandelion, basil, saffron, borage and chervil
Color to work with is purple
Mercury in conjunct Uranus
Flashes of inspiration could lead you to new ideas and down new paths. Keep an eye on spending too much and too much overindulging!
Venus moves into Leo
Leo rules our sovereignty, our dignity and how we rule our own lives. It is a creative fire sign that stirs our passions into reality. Leo loves love affairs and romance. Leo loves being center stage and being seen. Venus rules what we value and how we love. This transit will last a long time , all summer long. This will be inspiring all of us to find our deepest heart's desires and find ways to manifest them. Spend some time thinking and perhaps journaling about what it would look like to have your dreams manifest into reality in your life.
Venus Opposite Pluto
This can be an aggressive energy. You may feel the need to dominate and control your loved ones. And/or they could be feeling the need to control or dominate you! This is a time to tread carefully and be mindful of the words you use. As always, with a difficult transit, it is best to lay low, try to go with the flow as much as possible and avoid confrontation.
Mercury sextile Neptune
This will bring a healing vibration that taps into our intuitive abilities . Follow your instincts when making decisions about your money or your relationships now.
Pluto Retrograde into Capricorn
Pluto is all about power and control. This transit will have us looking at the issues of our collective society and our systems of government, hierarchy, and business. Pluto moved into the sign of Aquarius in March ,Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism and caring for the collective.. This is the first time in our lives that Pluto has been in Aquarius. Pluto going back into retrograde in the sign Capricorn has us collectively reviewing our systems and transforming the old structures to bring new ways to care for everyone. Pluto will be retrograde in Capricorn until January
Mercury moves into Gemini
Mercury is the ruler of Gemini so this makes for some great communication energy. You may find you are ready to learn new things and Bring in new ways of thinking. It is a wonderful time to gather and chat with friends.
Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
This retrograde will be felt more strongly by people Pisces Sun, Pisces rising, and the mutable signs of Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini. Saturn tries to bring structure to dreamy Pisces energy. Now is the time to review and revisit how we need to add structure to our faith, and our relationship to our beliefs, spirituality and our creative expression. This is the time to take a deep dive, do some soul searching, do the shadow work and find your authentic truth. Saturn is Pisces asks - where do we do our service?
New Moon in Gemini
Gemini is an air sign that embodies intellectual ability. Gemini is clever, imaginative, and versatile. This will be an energizing New Moon that will be busy and social. There will be a need for spontaneity and changing things up. You may be more talkative as your communication skills are improved. Focus on opening your throat chakra and being able to speak your authentic truth. The glyph for Gemini is symbolized by the twins- the heavenly twin and the earthly twin. It may be easy to be pulled in two directions as there may be a sense of confusion now. You may feel high-strung energy that can make you feel scattered. Find a way to connect to your heart and your mind to find clarity by balancing the spiritual and the physical. This is a time to speak up about what you need. This energy may spark new ideas and energize your favorite projects rather than being a time of introspection. You might also find that you are receiving more intuitive information. This is the time to listen to your intuitive feelings and write your intentions for the next two weeks. This is a wonderful time to initiate new ideas. A time to literally and figuratively plant the seeds of the things that you want to grow in your life now. A new beginning in our thinking journey starts - plant the seeds of your new thoughts now. These seeds will come to fruition at the Gemini Full Moon six months from now. Gemini energy can be very quick and very scattered. You may find yourself wanting to do everything and spreading yourself too thin. Take the time to ground daily, get some exercise and drink plenty of water. Be gentle with yourself through these changes.
The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury ~ Element of Gemini is Air ~ Gemini is a mutable sign
Angel to work with ~ Ambriel
Crystals to work with ~ agate, tree agate, apatite, aquamarine, emerald, jade, clear quartz, and serpentine
Colors to work with ~ White, Silver, Yellow, Light Green, Pale Gray.
Herbs and oils to work with ~ oregano, horehound, dill, mint, clove, fennel, lemon verbena
Summer Solstice Sun moves into Cancer
The solstice arrives on June 21, 2022 at 5:14 AM ET. . This marks the beginning of summer and is the longest day and shortest night of the year. This is the time to celebrate the Sun, in all its energy and power. This is the day that we embrace the return of the light and the beginning of Summer. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings. The Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, bringing the nurturing energy to grow our seeds and and our dreams. A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice a year - at the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter. Solstice literally means ‘ Sun Stands Still’.This is the official start to the season of Summer.
The Sun is represented by fire and this is wonderful night to have a bonfire, to connect with nature and to gather with family and close friends to celebrate
Set out your crystals to get a special charge and wear bright, cheery colors to honor the beginning of summer season.
This is a time to set your intentions- just like a New Moon. Use the Law of Attraction- whatever you put your attention to starts being drawn to you- but you must focus your attention and then keep it focused in order for it to work. I like to do this with three lists-
Elimination list- write down everything that you do not want in your life.
Manifestation list - everything that you want or want to happen in your life
Gratitude list- write down everything that you are grateful for- no matter how big or how small
Take your time with these lists, add to them over a few days, read them daily to keep your attention. Be quiet with them and allow yourself to dream of all you want for the next year.
Mercury Square Neptune
This can be a time of misunderstandings and confusion. There could be misinformation and conflicting sources. Check all the facts before making any decisions.
Neptune goes Retrograde in Pisces
Neptune is the planet of fantasy and dreams, intuition and spirituality. Pisces is ruled by Neptune so this makes it even more of a dream world , full of fantasies.
This is the time to review, reassess, re-evaluate all of your goals and dreams. A time to lean into your spiritual rituals of meditation and journaling. These can help you find out what you truly want and what you can let go of.
It is a time to stay centered and grounded.