December Astrology
December 3
Venus Square Pluto
This aspect can bring feelings of jealousy and highlight betrayals.
December 4
Venus moves into Scorpio
This will bring an intense aspect to all our relationships. It will also highlight how we share with our significant others.
December 6
Neptune Stations Direct
While Neptune was in retrograde motion, we found it easy to float along in waking hours and in our dreams. Now , we take off the rose colored glasses and come back into the real world.
December 12
Sagittarius New Moon’s have us focusing on our belief systems, education, travel, and the laws that govern our lives. Sagittarius is the truth seeker and we are seeking something with this new moon. Most likely, something spiritual. You will need to have the freedom to express your true self. Anyone or anything that seems to be holding you back will be released. This is a powerful time for manifestation. A New Moon in Sagittarius will also bring feelings of optimism, hope, and faith. It brings a welcome relief to the energies, so welcome after the intensity of Scorpio season.
Sagittarius energy helps to rise above the daily details and focus on faith and our vision for the future. Sagittarius is honest and independent. It is all about adventure, open and honest exchanges, and expansion. It is a fire sign that looks for a creative way to express what it is passionate about. It is optimistic energy and you will feel that you can overcome any obstacles that show up along your way.
This New Moon is conjunct Mars which will bring energy to your faith. But it is also aspected by Neptune, which may make it hard to see things clearly.
Ruling planet ~ Jupiter
Element ~ Fire
Sign ~ Mutable
Angels to work with ~ Adnachiel and Uriel
Crystals to work with ~ labradorite, lapis lazuli, obsidian, opal, clear quartz, ruby, sodalite, topaz
Colors to work with ~ lilac, mauve, purple, violet dark blue
Herbs to work with ~ basil, borage, sage, chervil, clove, saffron
Oils to work with ~ vetiver, thyme, clary sage, rosemary
December 12
Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn
This is the second Mercury retrograde in the sign of Capricorn this year. Look back to January 2023 to find any repeating issues. You should hold off on taking on any new endeavors now.
Retrogrades are a time to pause so we can reflect, remember, revisit, release, re-do.
Double check emails, proofread everything before you hit send, backup your files, have patience, and call on Archangel Michael to help with electronics.
This is not the time to buy new equipment, start new projects or sign contracts.
This is the time to open your mind to new ways of thinking by allowing the awakening to organically happen to free yourself of the old ways of thinking.
December 21
Winter Solstice/Sun moves into Capricorn
The winter solstice is on December 21. This marks the shortest day of the year and the longest night. This begins the start of a new season. It comes as the Sun begins its journey in the sign of Capricorn. A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice a year - at the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter. Solstice literally means “Sun Stands Still”. It is the start of the astronomical season of winter. Nature goes to sleep, the Earth is frozen, the animals hibernate. While the Northern Hemisphere is celebrating the Winter Solstice, the Southern Hemisphere is celebrating the return of summer. Light candles on this day to illuminate the darkness.
The Solstice is a balance between the light and the dark. It is a time for sacred rest. It is a time to go inward, to listen, to meditate. To put ourselves first and take what we need for ourselves.
A time to review the past year for all of its failures and triumphs. A time to grieve for everything we have lost in the last year- people, relationships, dreams, and changes. Grief is a natural adjustment to change. Meditation and journaling will help you connect to the messages of your angels and guides. This is a time to release all that you no longer need, to let the past go and to look forward. To nourish and feed your soul, mind, and body- to accept our shadow selves.
It is a time to embrace the darkness for the quiet and reflection that it offers. Now is the time to dream about what you would like to begin in the new year. Consider what seeds you would like to plant and what you will need to make it happen- dream those dreams.
Find the hope that after the solstice, the light slowly increases as the days get longer.
This is a time to set your intentions- just like a New Moon. Use the Law of Attraction- whatever you put your attention to starts being drawn to you- but you must focus your attention and then keep it focused in order for it to work. I like to do this with three lists-
Elimination list- write down everything that you do not want in your life.
Manifestation list - everything that you want or want to happen in your life
Gratitude list- write down everything that you are grateful for- no matter how big or how small
Take your time with these lists, add to them over a few days, read them daily to keep your attention. Be quiet with them and allow yourself to dream of all you want for the next year.
Happy Solstice!
December 22
Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde
This is good energy to check in with all forms of communication and to check in with all your people! Send holiday greetings to everyone!
December 22
Mercury retrograde moves into Sagittarius
Sagittarius rules over travel, so this is the time to avoid making travel plans or double check the plans you do make.
Remember to go with the flow with any delays rather than pushing back too hard.
The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which makes this energy easy to navigate. Cancer is a water sign, making this an emotional and sensitive Moon phase. A time to look at our inner child and ask what he or she needs.
This is a potent time to focus on your nurturing and creative sides - a time to look inward to see how we nurture ourselves and take care of our emotional lives.
The Moon represents our emotions and this is the time to release all the old emotions we have carried that we no longer want or need.
Cancerian energy is strong now so we will be extra emotional and sensitive, we may be irritable and people close to us could be acting out. This is a potent time - focus on your intentions- this is a time to know what you want and where you want to go- be as clear as possible. The Moon rules Cancer so all Cancerian qualities are amplified now- patient, sensitive, romantic, sociable and maternal- but also moody, clannish, worrier clinger and jealousy. Family dynamics are in the spotlight and issues with home and family may come up to be dealt with. This may be amplified with Christmas happening the day before this Moon. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in retrograde motion - Be careful to be as clear as you can be when communicating with others.
And get the emotional support you may need now. We need to be clear how we are communicating with others - to be careful of our words in conversations that come up- to speak out truths and to share our wisdom. This can be a time when we are able to be the mediator in our family dynamics in order to make peace. Tell the people that you love that you love them!
Ruled by ~ Moon
Cardinal Sign
Element ~ Water
Herbs to work with ~ sage, parsley, mugwort, aloe, lemon balm, cinnamon, and evening primrose
Colors to work with ~ pale blue, silver, and pearl
Crystals to work with ~ moonstone, selenite, carnelian, opal, fire opal, clear quartz, and ruby
Angels for Cancer ~ Muriel and Azrael
December 26
Chiron stations Direct
Chiron retrograde had us revisiting all the places that are wounded or cause us pain.We have taken these out to be examined, understood and forgiven. Now that it is in direct motion, we can heal these places and release this energy. Ultimately this will make us feel so much lighter.
December 30
Jupiter stations Direct
Jupiter in Taurus magnified our stability, our secure places and our finances. Now we can use this energy to build a strong and secure foundation for the new year.